Disclaimer ⚠️: the template is free but you can still buy me a coffe ☺️

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According to Cal Newport, Deep Work is defined as

“Professional activity performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to their limit. These efforts create new value, improve your skill, and are hard to replicate.”

This template is oriented to promote this type of work. Specifically, it is dedicated to one of the fundamental chapters of the book:

Schedule Your Day Methodically

Divide your work day into blocks and assign activities to each one (including room for meals and breaks). This method also forces you to be thoughtful about batching similar tasks. For instance, if you have two people you need to call and three people you need to email, combine those tasks into one block of shallow work after a deep work session.

How does it work?

Start by clicking on “New week”. It will generate a new template for the week. You can drag it to the corresponding week and extend it so that it occupies from Monday to Sunday. Like this:


After that, all that remains is to fill it in 😀.

If you want to customize theWeekly Agenda you can change the template on the gear wheel that appears when hovering over "New week".